Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Photo Day

Hello everyone! Photo friday has changed. Every Friday this year I have a kind of internship. Fridays are a little busy right now because of this. So I decided that it will be photo Sunday. Every Wednesday and Friday I go to a high school so I can practice being a school psychologist. Next year I will be a third year intern, but now I am a little green. So then I will try to post on Sunday. Here are some photos! Take care everyone!
皆さん、こにちわ!フォトフライディーをチェンジしました。今学年は毎水曜日と毎金曜日にインタンシップします。金曜日はちょっと忙しいになりますから。今から、フォトサンディーを決める。毎水曜日と金曜日は高校学校に行く。あそこに学校の心理学者を練習しました。来年は三年生のインタンになるけど、今 私は未熟者います。それから日曜日にブログします。写真をどぞ!気をつけて!

This is Brian at the gardens near his parents' house. We celebrated my birthday there.
ブライアン! この写真は庭が撮影しました。庭がブライアンの両親の家ちょっと近くです。庭で私の誕生日祝うをために。

I made a new friend! She's very quiet!

After our last class as 一年生 we went to my friend Ashley's apartment and went swimming. 二年生

The "Best in Show" bonsai at the Chicago Botanical Gardens. We went there for Brian's birthday.
一番の盆栽にChicago Botanical Gardensあります。ブライアンの誕生日祝うのために。

They had a butterfly house for a short time at the gardens, so we went inside. This is the butterfly feeding area.

Brian has an admirer! This butterfly landed on him as soon as we walked in.

I like the colors on this one. I think it's very pretty!

This one kept landing on Brian's mother's hat. It wanted to go home with her.

We got an iPad as a present. We share it though Brian uses it a little more than I do. I mostly use it for school.

Last weekend we helped Brian's sister move and went to visit his parents. We went to an ice cream store that sells delicious ice cream. Here is Brian with his Coconut-Pineapple ice cream in a chocolate cone.
先週末、私たちはブライアンの妹に引越しするために. もブライアンの両親にたずねりました。アイスクリーム屋に行きました。すごい美味しいアイスでした!これはブライアンとココナツパインアイスとチョココネ。美味しいね?