Friday, September 9, 2011

About my first week of school (やっと翻訳した!)

First week of school!
Casual English: Last week was my first week of classes. I'm really lucky in that I only have class two days a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday I head to downtown Chicago to Loyola's Water Tower Campus. Loyola has another campus near my apartment but all of my classes are downtown. We can't live downtown beause it's really expensive. Both days my classes start at 10:00 in the morning. I usually take the 8:30 express bus and arrive on campus at 9:00. I talked with my classmates. There are 26 of us in this group, which we call a cohort since we take all the same classes together (it's basically another way to say homeroom).
My school logo! This is close to the campus shuttle area.

On Tuesday I have a class that's all about the history of school psychology and what it means to be a school psychologist. My professor for this is a guy named Dr.S and he seems really nice. He also teaches another class that I have so I'll probably be talking about him a lot this semester. We went around the room and introduced ourselves and talked about why we wanted to be school psychologists. My classes are all 2hours and 30 minutes long. There was a 30 minute break between my first class and 2nd class so I had to eat lunch very fast. I packed my own lunch so it wasn't too hard. My next class is called Data Based Descision Making. It's a fancy way of saying “how do we make descions for a school”. My professor for this is Dr.F and her assistant Stephanie. We played a warm up game where you tell 3 truths about yourself and 1 lie. My truths were “I like reading. I have been to Singapore. I have 1 brother” and my lie was “I speak Japanese and Spainish fluently”. I speak Japanese, but not fluently and I can't speak Spainish at all! This class finished at 3:00 and then we all went home.

My friend Tamanna with her cake! She's really pretty!

On Wednesday I went to a special research group with my friends Tamanna and Michael. We met Dr.W and a few of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years. We are going to study homeless parents and kids so that we can give them better services. It's really exciting.

On Thursday my first class was with Dr.M called “Academic Assessment”. This is about helping individual kids. It's exciting but looks like there will be a lot of community work too. There was a 4 hour break between classes so I went to lunch with Tamanna and Schevita. We then went to hang out with our classmates/friends Lilly, Leah, and Theresa. We got a bit bored waiting for class. Our last class of the day was with Dr.S again. It's called “Multiculturalism for Social Justice”. It's about how we can make sure others are treated fairly and receive the help they need even if they are different from us. He brought us cake and used it to talk about how we could divide the cake in a socially just way. Classes finished at 6:45. I accidently took the wrong bus home so it took me an hour to get home! I was really tired.

I'm making a lot of new friends and I really like my school a lot. I'll try to write more about my friends next week! I have so much reading to do!!!!!
My friends before class!

Easy English:
Hey guys! The new school year has started for me! I'm now a first year student at Loyola University Chicago! I had a very good first week. I go to class twice a week but each class is 2 and a half hours long. On Tuesday I have two classes. One class is with Dr. S about how to be a school psychologist. My next class is with Dr. F about how to helps schools make decisions. I go home on Tuesdays at 3:00! On Wednesday I went to a special group meeting with Dr.W. Dr. W does research about homeless kids and parents so that we can better help them. I'm excited to go to the meetings! On Thursday I have two classes. My first class is with Dr. M about how to test kids. My second class is with Dr.S again! It's about how to make the world better for many different people. He brought us cake to start a class discussion.

There is a 4 hour break between my 1st and 2nd class on Thursday so I spent time downtown with my friends. My class has 26 people in it and they are all very friendly so I think I will have even more friends this year!

Sorry this is a little late and was so long! I miss you guys!


先週は授業が始まりました。毎週の2日にあります。ロヨラ大学の「Water Tower Campus]に行くために毎火曜日と毎木曜日にシカゴの町中に行きます。他のキャンパスがアパートの近くにあって私はすべての授業が町中にあります。高すぎなので、町中に住めません。両方の日の授業は10時に始まります。8:30時急行バスに乗ってキャンパスに9時に着きます。最初の授業の前にクラスメートにしゃべりました。グループは26人がいます。同じ授業を受けますので、グループは「コホート」と呼ばれています。

火曜日に学校心理学の意味と学校心理学の歴史について授業があります。教授は名前が「Dr. S]で優しそうです。その人は他の私の受ける授業を教えてるので、多分今学期に教授と話し合うでしょう。クラスメートは自己紹介して学校心理学者になる理由を討論しました。授業は2時半かかります。一番目の授業から二番目の授業まで30十分の休養がありますので、私は昼ご飯を早く食べなければなりませんでした。自分の昼ご飯を持って来たので、食べやすかったです。午後の授業は「Data Based Decision Making」と呼ばれています。「Data-Based Decision Making」とは学校に決める方法の研究です。「Dr. F」という教授と教授のアシスタントのステファにーがその授業を教えています。三つの真理と一つの嘘をつくの準備ゲームを遊びました。私の真理は「読むのが好き」と「シンガポールに行って来た」と「弟いる」で私の嘘は「日本語とスペイン語は舌が回る」でした。日本語を少し話せてスペイン語を全然話せません!3時に授業が終わって皆が帰りました。


最初の「Dr. M」の教える授業は木曜日に「Academic Assessment]と呼ばれています。授業の教科は子供を支援です。エキサイテイングで社会福祉がいっぱいと思います。一番目の授業から二番目の授業まで4時間休養なのでタマナとシェビタと昼ご飯を食べに行きました。その後クラスメートたちのリリとレヤとテリサと会いました。4時間の休養は本当につまらなかったと思いました。最後の授業はDr. Sが教えました。その授業は「Multiculturalism for Social Justice」と呼べレテいます。授業の教科は他の人がフェアな扱いさせられて別な人に必要な助力を受けさせる。教授がケーキを持ってきてくれてケーキで公明に細分する方を討論しました。授業が6:45時に終わりました。違うバスに乗るので、1時間帰りました。とても疲れました。



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