Friday, October 7, 2011

The New Year

Regular English- I said in the last photo Friday that Rosh Hashanna is the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanna is part of a set of holidays called the High Holy Days. These two days, Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur. They're the most important holidays for Jews. THough they're really close together, these holidays are different in some ways too. I'll tell you a bit about my Rosh Hashanna.


Jewish holidays start at sundown. Rosh Hashanna started on Wednesday at Sundown and finished on Thursday at sundown. We eat a lot of sweet foods during this time: apples dipped in honey, honey cake, and round raisin challah (my picture from last week). Traditionally we say these foods will bring us a sweet new year. It's kind of our version of osechi because moms and grandmothers (and me) take a lot of pride in their Rosh Hashanna meals. On Wednesday night I went to temple, it looks very different from a Japanese temple. Many people come to the Rosh Hashanna service so my temple sells tickets to get in (I'm a member so I didn't have to buy one). We read from the Torah, or the Jewish holy book (it's the Old testament from the Bible). The Rabbi, a kind of Jewish preist, leads the service. Those of you in Japan will think it's interesting that we bow a lot while praying. I woke up early the next morning to go to the morning Rosh Hashanna service. It was a beautiful service filled with the sound of the Shofar. The Shofar is a horn that is made from a ram's horn. It's probably one of the most important parts of Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur. It's very hard to play the shofar! My dad is really good at it but I still need to practice. After services Brian and I were invited to have dinner with other people from the temple. Before we could eat, we went to do what is called Tashlich. Tashlich is a ritual where we throw bread into the water, it symbolizes throwing away the past years sins. We had an amazing dinner with wonderful company.

ユダヤ人の祭日は暮れに始まります。ロッシュハシャナは水曜日の暮れに始まって木曜日の暮れに終わりました。この間はたくさんの甘い物を食べます。例えば、はちみつに濡らしたりんごやホニーケーキやレーズンの丸いハーラ(先週の写真)。伝統的にその食べ物が甘い正月になると言われます。お母さんとお祖母さん(と私)はロッシュハシャナの食べ物に誇りますので、ユダヤ人のお節少しみたいです。私は水曜日の夕方にテンプルに行きました。ユダヤ人のテンプルは日本の寺に全然似ていません。たくさんの人がロッシュハシャナの祭祀に行きますので、テンプルは切符を売ります。でも、私はテンプルの団員なので、切符を買うのが必要がありませんでした。ユダヤ人の聖書のトーラ(旧約聖書 )を読まれます。ユダヤ人の祭司のラビが祭祀を導きます。多分日本で読む人はユダヤ人が祈りながら頭を下げる事が面白いと思うでしょう。ロッシュハシャナの祭祀に行くために私は翌朝に早く起きます。ショーファの音で満たされた素敵な祭祀でした。ショーファとはホルンが牡羊 の角で出来ています。ショーファはロッシュハシャナととヨムキプールの一つの重要な一部と思います。ショーファをとても弾きにくいです。父は上手ですが私は練習しなければなりません。祭祀の後にブライアンと私は他のテンプルの団員と招待されました。食べられる前に「タッシュリック」と呼ばれる物を遣に行きます。タッシュリックとは湖か川にパンを投げるの儀式です。その儀式の意味は去年の罪を投げる事を象徴するのです。食べ物はとても良くて連れは素敵でした。

Yom Kippur is different because we don't eat. From sundown tonight to sundown tomorrow I will not be eating or drinking anything (I did this every year in Japan and it sometimes worried people). It's hard when you have to work but this year I get to spend the day in Temple. Yom Kippur services are much longer than Rosh Hashanna services. But there is the sound of the Shofar and it's a good time for me to think about how I can be a better person this year. My father's favorite Jewish holiday is Yom Kippur for this reason. Mine is a different but I'll write about that when it happens. Yom Kippur ends with the sound of the Shofar and then we go outside and hammer the first nail for a special booth for our next holiday, Sukkot. I'll write about Sukkot when it gets closer to time.



This is a shofar. It looks like the one in our temple. It's almost as long as my arm.


Easy English- Hey guys! Do you remember the picture of the bread from last weeks's photo friday? I made that bread because it's the Jewish New Year, which is part of 2 special days for Jews! We eat lots of sweet things so that we will have a sweet new year. The Rosh Hashanna meal is kind of like osechi because you work very hard to make it and many foods have special meaning. All Jewish holidays start at sundown and end on sundown the next day. Rosh Hashanna was the 28th-29. After going to temple, which looks different from a Japanese temple, we went to a friend's house for dinner. Her Rosh Hashanna dinner was great. On Rosh Hashanna we play an instrument called the Shofar. The Shofar is made from a ram's horn and it's very hard to play!

Yom Kippur is the other speical day. Yom Kippur is a day when we don't eat at all or drink at all. Tonight at sundown until tomorrow at sundown I will not eat or drink anything, even water. It's an important time because I go to temple and I think about how I can be a better person this year. After the sunsets on Saturday though, we eat a lot! We play the Shofar on Yom Kippur too. Yom Kippur is my dad's favorite holiday, but my favorite holiday is later in the year. I hope you guys are having a great year!


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