Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photo Time!

Hello everyone! It's a cold, rainy Saturday in Chicago today but hopefully it'll still be a good day. Today our friends Lilly Mae and Aaron are coming over to watch videos. They are my classmates and we all need a break from writing papers. We're going to watch a British TV show called the Prisoner, which is one of Brian's favorite TV shows. Because it's a British TV show Lilly Mae is making crumpets and I am making scones and tea. I'll be sure to post pictures of them next week. I've been doing a lot of cooking because cooking helps me relax. So enjoy your photos and have a great weekend!


It was Brian's dad's birthday last weekend. Katie brought this cake. It's decorated to look like her dog Maddy. It's really cute and it was chocolate cake!


I went to a special Saturday class to prepare for next semester's class. The professor brought us these things. They're from ISPA, the Illinois Association of School Psychologists. She's the president and is an overall great professor. I seriously want to be like her when I grow up!


Brian and I heard about a special kimono exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. We couldn't take any pictures of the kimono, which were from Taisho to Showa era in some really pretty patterns. But they also have a section of Japanese art which is where this picture was. It looks like some of our friend's houses or the Tea Ceremony room at Chiyoda High School. Brian and I felt very nostalgic.


I miss Japanese style sponge cakes with just the light whipped cream frosting and nice decorations. So for our game today I decided to make an early "Christmas Cake". The pan was too big and it could have been better but you know, it looks really pretty and tasted pretty good so I was told. I already know how I want to decorate my next cake. I'll have to use less strawberries because they are expensive in winter. In Japan they're a winter fruit but in America they're a spring/summer fruit.


Katie and Maddy. Maddy isn't even a year old but she's already a big dog and she's still growing. The other dog that you can't really see is Aspen, Katie's other dog. Katie really loves dogs, one of the reasons she is a veterinarian.


My bento! I bring my lunch to school every Tuesday and I decided to go "traditional" because I miss my bentos. It's rice, green beans with walnut miso, and tamagoyaki with a few spinach leaves. I ate it using the chopstick set that Shirai-sensei gave me! My classmates were impressed.


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