Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving Entry (a little late!)

Regular English
We have officially moved to Chicago. When we lived in Japan Brian would usually tell people that he was from Chicago. Most people who live in the city would say that he isn't. Brian is from a suburb of Chicago, which is kind of like the wards that Tokyo or Hiroshima city have. Now we actually live in the city, in the Edgewater neighborhood. Our apartment complex has access to the beach and a beautiful private deck with grills for cooking and benches for reading. There are a lot of nursing homes and in fact one of my friends works almost across the street from me. I haven't seen her in three years and it's really great to have her so close.

We started on Monday morning at 9:00. Our friend Dave came to help us move. Brian's dad rented a moving van for us and even drove it (I was too afraid to drive the moving van!!!) We had put most of the furniture in the garage the day before so we didn't have to really bring things upstairs or downstairs on Monday. We moved the bed in first, it was a lot like a puzzle piece. I didn't realize we had so much stuff! We threw out a bunch of stuff the week before but we still had a ton of boxes and furniture. We drove to Chicago at around 11:30. It was a beautiful day. Brian, Dave, and I drove through the city. Because it was Monday midafternoon, traffic wasn't too bad. We drove down Lakeshore drive, which is just beautiful. We got to our apartment and I had to find someone to open the garage for us. Then we waited for Brian's parents to arrive with the truck (they had to take the long way because of the truck).

We only live on the 2nd floor so it was really easy for us to move things using the stairs and the elevator. Brian's dad also has his Ph.D in physics, which never hurts when dealing with moving objects. His mom and I stayed in the apartment, mostly unpacking, moving boxes and sometimes furniture in the place. Our living room is a little small and we were worried that everything wouldn't fit.

But it did when we moved things into our bedroom which is bigger. Our kitchen has an island so we sit there to eat. I have so much space when I cook and that makes me happy. And I have all my kitchen tools! We fished moving everything and unpacking a little before 5:00! It took us from 1:00 to 5 to move and unpack (and return the truck). Our books are still unorganized but everything is off the floor and really that's the important part. We'll organize more when we have time.

After moving we went out to Ethiopian food which is only ½ mile from our house. One of the best things about Ethiopian food is eating with your hands. You use bread, called Injera, to scoop up meat and vegtables. We have a lot of things in walking distance and I look forward to walking around the neighborhoods and finding all kinds of little things.

Easy English
Hey guys! Brian and I have moved to the city of Chicago. Brian is from a suburb of Chicago. Chicago suburbs are like Hiroshima City's wards (Asa-minami, Asa-kita...) We moved to our apartment on Monday morning. We had to start putting furniture in a big truck early in the morning. We have a lot of furniture and boxes. After we put all of our stuff in the truck we drove to Chicago. It took us about 4 hours to move everything from the truck to the apartment. I took stuff out of boxes because the furniture is too heavy. We live in a nice neighborhood. There is a beach near us, but a lot of elderly people live near us too. My good friend works across the street from where we live so I can see her often. We live in the Edgewater part of Chicago and there are many nice stores and restaurants near us. After we finished moving we went to have dinner. We ate dinner at an Ethipoian (A country in east Africa) restaurant. You eat Ethiopian food with your hands using a kind of bread called injera. It's delicious!

シカゴに引越ししました!日本に住んだ時にブライアンはシカゴの出 身と通例言いました。でも、ブライアンはシカゴの郊外の出身です。今「エッジュアター」という近所のシカゴに住んでいます。私たちの アパートが海岸の横にあってグリルとベンチのある私用のデックがあります。近所の中に沢山の養護ホームがあります。しかも友達が向こ うのビルで勤めます。今まで私は三年間その友達と全然会わなくて近さがとてもよかったです。

月曜日の午前9時に引越し始まりました。友達のデイ ブが手伝いに来ました。ブライアンの父が私たちにトラックを貸して運転してくれました。前日はガ ラージで家具を置きましたので、月曜日に二階とか地階から家具を取り出さなければなりませんでした。ベッドが一番目の家具を動かして ちょっとジグソーパズルみたいでした。先週私たちは沢山の家財を投げ出しましたが、まだ沢山の家具とボックスを持っていました。11 時半ぐらいにシカゴへ運転しました。天気がきれいで交通が少ないでした。私たちは美しい「レークショアードライブ」という道で運転し ました。アパートを着いてから、私はガラージを開けられる人を探さなければなりませんでした。そしてブライアンの両親が着く事を待ち ました。

二階に住んでいますので、階段とエレベーターで家具を動かしやす かったです。ブライアンの父が物理学の博士号を持って家具を動かせばとても良いと思います。ブライアンの母と私はアパートに残って ボックスと家具を動かしました。居室が少し小さいですのですべての家具が収まらないと思いました。

居室よりもっと大きな寝室に家具を動かす時に収まりました。台所は 「アイランド」という家具がありますのでその家具で座って食べます。それに私はすべての台所の道具を持っています。5時前に動かし終 わりました。1時から5時まで掛けていました。まだ本が並んでいませんが、フロアに家財がなくてそれが一番必要です。私たちは後で時 間がある時に本を並べるつもりです。

引越しした後エチオピア風レストランに行きました。エチオピアの食 べ物について最高の習慣が手で食べます。「インジェラ」というパンで食べます。沢山のレストランと店に散歩できて私は近所で散歩して 新しい場所を見つける事を楽しみにしています!

(翻訳者ノート:お待たせしました!すごく長かったですよ。未来に もっと早く翻訳してみます。がんばります!)

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